Expand to Infinity

The INFINIMATs come in a range of sizes – 1x2, 1x4, 2x4, 4x4, 8x8, and 20x20 with more planned in the future – and can be used as a mat or as an inflatable. On smaller units the airbag can be stored attached to the mat and inflated or deflated quickly with the included air pump for fast and easy setup and breakdown. The INFINIMAT airbags provide a rigid shape for the mats, or they can be mounted to their frames and brackets, be draped or suspended. Multiple INFINIMATs can be configured together to create additional sizes and shapes, and the control boxes can power and operate multiple lights.

Double the Output

The INFINIMATs are higher wattage and brighter than other mats and inflatables of similar sizes. With their increased output the INFINIMATs are useful in a variety of production settings, even including daylight, making them a workhorse rather than a niche tool.

Rental-Grade Construction

The INFINIMATs are designed with the rental client in mind, with heavy-duty durable construction, a modular architecture for a variety of uses and easy repair, and IP65 weather rating.

Pixel Control at Scale

All INFINIMATs are RGBWW and are configured with 1x2 or 2x2 pixels. The INFINIMAT control boxes utilize dual dimming control systems. This allows them to fine tune dimming to extremely low levels before going dark while also maintaining accurate colors. This accurate dimming is available across all dimming curves.

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